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BookBest Vote!
Vote for your favourite book you've read, or want to read out of the list below!
For every vote we receive, we'll donate 5p to this years charity!
Welcome to the first Darcey Book Club BookBest vote! We've put together a collection of the best children's books from ages 8-14 and we need you to tell us which one is the best! There is three categories: Age 8-10, Age 10-12 and Age 12-14. We've found three of the most proclaimed books in all of those age groups and we can't decide which is best! Vote on our page, and every vote we receive will donate 5p to the Red Cross Ukraine Crisis Appeal, this years charity! For questions use our chat function in the bottom right corner.
Age 8-10
Age 10-12
Age 12-14
We will reveal the results of the votes by December 31st, until then, read and vote on these books, enjoy!
Remember, for each vote you make, 5p is donated to the Red Cross Ukraine Fund!
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